The Program

At Sunrise Adult Day Health Care Center, we provide a customized plan of care developed by our team of medical and rehabilitation professionals based on multi-faceted assessments. Our devoted nursing staff provides a constant monitoring of good health in collaboration with our participants’ primary physicians. To help maintain and maximize functional abilities of our participants, we provide physical, occupational and speech therapies. To keep minds active and spirits lively, we provide recreation, cognitive and social activities. We provide social services to address the participants’ and their caregivers’ needs to adapt to chronic, disabling conditions, and foster a greater enjoyment of life. Nutritional meals and consultation are also provided. Last but not least, we provide a round trip transportation for our participants to and from the center.


Our Services


NUrsing & personal care

A full-time Registered Nurse is on site and monitors daily vital signs, provides ongoing health assessments, medication management, blood pressure, glucose monitoring, dressing changes, personal care, and coordination with physicians and families.


physical therapy

Our Physical Therapist provides personalized therapeutic maintenance programs and group exercise classes to maintain mobility and strengthen endurance; promoting a sense of well-being and continued health.

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occupational therapy

Our Occupational Therapist performs assessments, develops an individual care plan, provides therapy and education that promotes ongoing support in activities of daily living. Our goal is to keep people as independent as possible as the aging process progresses.

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speech therapy

A Speech Language Pathologist is on staff to assess and treat participants needing help with swallowing, simple and complex verbal expression, auditory processing, voice changes, and poor speech intelligibility.

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Nutritional meals & Counseling

Our Registered Dietitian performs nutritional assessments and counseling, oversees the meal program, presents health topics, and provides one on one support for meal planning to our participants. Based on those assessments, the center provides nutritional meals tailored to the participants’ needs and preferences.

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group activities

Led by our Activity Director, participants enjoy an individualized activity program that considers each person's preferences and strengths. We believe strongly in personal choice and are always adding dynamic new ideas. We tailor activities to be at times stimulating, and at times relaxing. The activities that we offer include but are not limited to arts and crafts, puzzles, "brain games", bingo, ping pong, basketball, chair sports, live music, dancing, sing-a-longs, and pet therapy.

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social worker services

Caregiver Support Group, private clinical consultation, benefits counseling, community support services linkage, ongoing mental status testing and monitoring, crisis intervention, home and family systems assessment, traumatic event debriefing and psychological first aid.

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Wheelchair Accessible Transportation

From your front door to ours and back again! You can relax and leave the driving to us. We can accommodate all forms of personal mobility and assistive devices. Safety is our primary concern, and we assist all clients to and from the Center.
